
Below are some teaching aids that I have developed.

Crystallography Visualizations

Using a new notebook software known as Marimo1, I have developed some interactive visualization tools.

The first visualization tool explores points and directions in crystallography. Please click to open the crystallography visualization gui in a new tab. In the new tab, you will be able to interactively modify the plots to explore and visualize point coordinates and direction vectors in a cubic unit cell. The visualization is also embedded below for faster use.

Materials and Advanced Mechanics Tutorials

I've developed a series of instructional videos demonstrating how to use perform common experiments and preparation for materials testing and characterization. I've compiled all of these tutorials into a playlist:

Experiences at James Madison University

Experiences at Virginia Tech


After taking the Preparing the Future Professoriate certificate at VT, I've thought more about my teaching practices, and look forward to continuing to improve my pedagogy. Here is my current teaching philosophy.


  1. Marimo is a Python package which is similar to Jupyter notebooks. More details about Marimo can be found on marimo.io